Google Analytics is a widely used web analytics platform that allows businesses to understand how their customers are interacting on their digital properties.

Louder has a team of certified experts working with Google Analytics and the Google Marketing Platform.

With over 10 years of experience in analytics implementation, Louder can support your business in

  • rolling out Google Analytics
  • onboarding the premium platform Google Analytics 360
  • supporting your business needs for measurement and analysis
  • keeping up to date with Google’s products and gaining early access to new features

Work with us to find the solution that’s right for your business.

Get in touch to start a conversation!

Get the basics right

At Louder, we believe that having a good foundation of data is the first step to success.

Work with us to ensure your Google Analytics setup is correct and be confident in the data you’re looking at.

How we can help

  • Audit your set up, identify and fix issues
  • Set up conversions so your data is meaningful
  • Train your team on GA4 as its new, different and changing often

Make Google Analytics work for you

Work with Louder to help your business get the most out of Google Analytics.

Go beyond a basic set up and customise your implementation to get more meaningful insights as you start to grow your analytics maturity.

How we can help

  • Set up and configure Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager
  • Support with data layer set up, audit and implementation
  • Understand how your advertising impacts performance
  • Add additional business context into your data with custom dimensions
  • Create audiences for activation across the Google marketing stack
  • Build reports and dashboards to support decision making

Advanced analytics implementation

Louder can be your analytics implementation partners.

We work with many of our clients to support their teams in digital marketing and analysis. We are experienced in working with web, marketing, customer experience and business intelligence teams.

How we can help

  • Get insights and reporting that goes beyond GA capability using BigQuery
  • Onboard GA4 dataset into your own data warehouse
  • Implement solutions to retain some conversions signals lost by evolving - privacy changes including server-side tagging, enhanced conversions, CAPI
  • Integrate other platforms like Salesforce CRM with Google Analytics for a more holistic customer journey

Upskill your team

Louder has trained many of our clients in Google Analytics. We love helping others understand and use the platform to support their work.

We’ve enjoyed many lightbulb moments with our clients.

How we can help

  • Live training sessions with recordings for you to keep
  • Bespoke training working with your Google Analytics data set
  • Support technical teams with implementation of more complex setups such as server side tagging